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Educational Materials

While employed as a writing tutor at UCF's University Writing Center, I contributed to a variety of educational materials.  The examples below include samples from a comma splice project, which existed to support students in identifying and fixing comma splices in their writing.  I also contributed to the center's quarterly newsletter, which encouraged viewers to write and showcased students' original work.

Job Position & Company: Writing Tutor at UCF's University Writing Center


Comma Splice Educational Flyer

This educational flyer defined comma splices and offered methods for fixing this common grammatical error.  My colleagues wrote the content for this poster, and I was responsible for the design.  The poster was designed to be distributed both in-person and available as an online resource.  The full flyer can be viewed through the PDF document to the right.

Comma Splice Flyer.png


Comma Splice Worksheet

The comma splice project also included creating a worksheet.  I wrote some of the content and designed the worksheet, where I scaffolded the questions to transition from memory recognition to recall.  The entire worksheet can be viewed through the PDF document to the right.

Comma Splice Worksheet.png


University Writing Center Newsletter

I wrote content for the University Writing Center's quarterly newsletter Just Write!, specifically the Spring 2022 edition.  My work can be seen in the "Steps 2 Success" section on page 7, which involved tutors providing writing advice.  The entire newsletter can be viewed through the PDF document to the right.

Newsletter Screenshot.png

© 2024 by Makenna Connolly

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